Friday, March 30, 2012

How to Plan a Camo Baby Shower

How to Plan a Camo Baby Shower

Do you know an outdoorsy integrate who's about to add a new hunter to the family? Help them celebrate their new bundle of joy with a camo baby shower!

How to Plan a Camo Baby Shower

How to Plan a Camo Baby Shower

How to Plan a Camo Baby Shower

How to Plan a Camo Baby Shower

How to Plan a Camo Baby Shower

There are five major things that you have to determine before the shower, though: who's going to come, what you're going to do, where it's going to be, when it's going to be, and how you're going to decorate.

Don't worry, though! Here are some tips for planning a great camo baby shower.

Getting Started - When's it going to be?

You've decided to plan a baby shower. Congratulations! The first step is to determine when you're going to have it. This will determine who will be able to come, and when you need to send out the invitations (about six to seven weeks before the event).

If you want to have the camo baby shower before the baby is born, then commonly the best time is four to eight weeks before the baby's due date. However, if you'd rather wait until the baby has joined us on the planet and has a name and a sex, then a "welcome baby" shower may be right on the money. These are held after the baby is born and Mommy has recovered adequate to cope being colse to a lot of guests at once.

Setting the Scene - Where's it going to be?

Well, if you're going to have a camo baby shower, you might as well go all-out and have it outdoors! A backyard barbecue or a lakeside picnic would be a lot of fun, and something very dissimilar from the typical baby shower.

However, if you're worried about the weather, or you'd just rather have it somewhere else, there are some options. If you've got a smaller group, or you're having a come-and-go shower, then somebody's house would be a good location. If you have a larger group (and a larger budget), then you could rent a place like a restaurant or a reception area in a hotel or church.

The Guest List - Who's coming?

Ah, one of the most "fun" jobs in the planning of any event: development the guest list. With a camo baby shower, you have a theme that will appeal to both men and women, development it very easy for you to have a couples shower instead of women-only, if you so desire.

Be sure to request people who get along, and beware any decades-long grudges. Nobody wants to be at a tense party. The amount of guests will also help you determine where to have the shower, so if you're stuck on that, shape out the guest list first.

Food and Games - What are you going to do?

Are you going to have straightforward appetizers at the shower, or a full meal? Are you going to play baby shower games, or just let everyone talk and mingle? Are you going to open the gifts during the shower, or wait until everybody's gone home?

These are just some of the questions you need to ask yourself when you're planning for the "what" part of the camo baby shower. For example, men will probably be bored Watching somebody unwrap cute baby gifts, so if you're having a coed shower, it would be best to have an additional one performance for the men when the wrapping paper starts to come off.

Camo Love - How are you going to decorate?

And now for the fun part of any baby shower: decorating! Plates, cups, and napkins are all necessities, and you can probably find them in a camo theme at your local party store. If not, there are plenty of places online that have camo party or picnic sets. You could also see about doing natural decorations, like plants, rocks, and twigs, to keep with the outdoorsy theme.

If you're having the camo baby shower at a restaurant or somewhere other than a home or outdoors, check and see if there are any limitations on the kinds of decorations that you can use.

Whenever you're doing a themed party, whether it's a camo baby shower or something else, it's very easy to let the theme overwhelm to the point that it becomes gaudy. So, try to balance it by including some ornamental items that match, but aren't themed. For example, if you have camo plates, then complement them with some solid green or tan napkins.

Plan your camo baby shower and have some fun!

Remember: this is all about the celebration of new life. Don't sweat the small stuff, and have a lot of fun preparation to welcome a new baby into the world!

How to Plan a Camo Baby Shower

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